The State Office of Administrative Hearings provides information via this website as a public service. This site contains links to other sites. Unless otherwise noted on an individual document, file, or home page, the State Office of Administrative Hearings grants permission to copy and distribute files, documents and information for non-commercial use, provided that the information is copied and distributed without alteration.
This policy sets forth the responsibilities of the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH) with regard to federal and state accessibility laws, specifically, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (or the ADA) and Texas Government Code Chapter 2054, Subchapter M, Access to Electronic and Information Resources by Individuals with Disabilities.
The State Office of Administrative Hearings is committed to promoting a culture of integrity within the agency. As part of the agency’s commitment, the Office has instituted a Fraud Prevention Program to provide its employees with the necessary guidance and support to prevent, detect, and eliminate fraud, waste, and abuse within the agency.