Driver's License Hearings Schedule
Most ALR proceedings listed on the Driver’s License Hearings Schedule are currently conducted by videoconference.
If you receive a notice of hearing from DPS requesting your in-person appearance at a local SOAH Regional Office or Remote Hearing Location, be advised that the judge assigned to your case may issue a scheduling order that includes information on how to participate in your hearing by telephone or using Zoom videoconference. If you do not receive a Zoom scheduling order, please contact the SOAH regional office to which your case is assigned to obtain remote access information and the latest information regarding the setting for your hearing. Please see Visiting SOAH for information regarding SOAH offices by county service area.
Search for Driver's License Hearings
Visit SOAH's ALR Hearing Schedule to search for a Driver's License Hearing.
Login Instructions
Open the link to SOAH's ALR Hearing Schedule
When prompted, enter the username and password soah in lower case letters as shown below and then click Sign in.

Select the report title you wish to search.

- For the ALR Docket Number Search, enter your Case Number/Docket Number and then click the View Report button in the far upper right corner of the page.

For the ALR Hearing Date Search, enter the Hearing Date and then click the View Report button in the far upper right corner of the page.

Other Resources
SOAH Interim Operating and Transition Plan
If you have any questions related to the hearings and mediations schedule, please contact the State Office of Administrative Hearings Austin office.