Agency Rulemaking
The Chief Administrative Law Judge is required to adopt rules that govern the procedures for hearings conducted by the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH). As authorized by law, SOAH may also adopt rules relating to agency operations, administration, and programs.
The Texas Administrative Procedure Act requires SOAH to publish all proposed, adopted, withdrawn and emergency rules in the Texas Register. All formal rulemaking actions by SOAH can be viewed online by visiting the Texas Register website.
Proposed Rules Open for Public Comment
The following rulemaking actions are currently open for public comment. A summary of each proposal is provided in PDF format. If you do not have a PDF reader, you may download the Adobe Acrobat Reader at no cost from the Adobe website. Please visit the Texas Register for more information on each proposal.
**There are no proposed rules open for public comment at this time**
Recently Adopted Rules
Rules of Procedure for Administrative License Suspension Hearings - SOAH recently adopted changes to the rules at Title 1, Chapter 159 of the Texas Administrative Code relating to the Rules of Procedure for Administrative License Suspension Hearings.
The new rules are published in the Texas Administrative Code, to be effective August 4, 2024.
Balance Billing Mediation - SOAH recently adopted the repeal of the rules at Title 1, Chapter 167 relating to the Dispute Resolution Process Applicable to Certain Consumer Health Benefits Disputes.
Notice of the adopted repeal was published in the August 2, 2024, edition of the Texas Register.
Agency Review of Existing Rules - SOAH completed its review of administrative rules in Title 1, Part 7 of the Texas Administrative Code. As required the Texas Government Code, the review assessed whether the reasons for initially adopting the rules continue to exist.
Notice of the adopted rule review was published in the August 2, 2024, edition of the Texas Register.