Customer Service Survey
Customer Service Survey
What is it?
The State Office of Administrative Hearings is required by law to conduct a customer service survey each year. The participants are surveyed about their entire experience, from their initial interactions with agency staff, through their interactions with the administrative law judge in the hearing and decision process. The results of the survey are compiled and reported to the Texas Legislature.
Who is Surveyed and When?
In September, the survey is sent to eligible parties of closed cases from Survey Monkey. To be eligible to participate in the survey, parties to cases referred to the State Office of Administrative Hearings must have completed the hearing process in the previous fiscal year. To fully complete the hearing process, a case must have a hearing set, a hearing held, and a Proposal for Decision (PFD) or a Decision and Order (D&O) issued.
How Can I Participate?
The State Office of Administrative Hearings is committed to making a good faith effort to reach as many eligible customers as possible to participate in the survey. To participate in the survey, please ensure your email address is correct when filing documents in eFileTexas with the agency or when listed as a service contact. If you meet the eligibility requirements, a link to the online survey will be emailed to the email address you provide at the beginning of September.
How Can I Find Out More Information?
Please reference Reports and Publications for results from previous surveys. If you have any additional questions, please send us an email at