State Office of Administrative Hearings

Kiteworks Secure File Sharing

SOAH Secure File Sharing

SOAH’s Kiteworks Secure File Sharing portal is a managed file transfer platform used by SOAH to facilitate the secure transmission of certain information in electronic format outside the e-filing process. SOAH’s Secure File Transfer portal may be used for:

  • Prehearing Submission of Exhibits. Effective September 16, 2024, parties in most General Docket proceedings are required to submit exhibits and evidence to be offered at the hearing electronically using the SOAH Kiteworks Secure Upload portal at least three (3) days prior to the scheduled hearing date, unless otherwise ordered by the judge. See the General Order Relating to Submission of Exhibits for more information.

    Important Note: Exhibits shared through SOAH’s Secure File Transfer are not “pre-filed”, nor are they considered part of the administrative record. Exhibits admitted at the hearing must still be e-filed after conclusion of the hearing in accordance with SOAH Rule § 155.101(b)(1)(G).

    Pre-filed testimony, documents filed as exhibits to motions, and exhibits for cases on written submission only should continue to be filed using eFileTexas.

  • The prehearing submission of exhibits to the SOAH Kiteworks Secure Upload portal fulfills the obligation to furnish exhibits to the presiding judge only. Parties must still separately exchange of exhibits with each other prior to the hearing in accordance with SOAH Rule § 155.429(4)(B)
  • Audio/Video Exhibits. SOAH’s Kiteworks Secure File Upload portal is the primary method for parties to submit audiovisual exhibits and evidence for general docket hearings. Audiovisual evidence must be in a common non-proprietary file format that can be played using either Windows Media or VLC Media Player.
  • Mediation. Please reference Mediation and follow the instructions of your assigned mediator for guidance on submitting documents in mediations.


Frequently Asked Questions

SOAH FAQs on Kiteworks

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